Reformation Bible Church Covenant Agreements
RBC Eldership Covenant
Video: 2015 Eldership Covenant Affirmation
To be affirmed verbally and in writing by each elder when ordained to the office and annually in the presence of the entire congregation
As a disciple of Christ, overseer of this congregation, and under-shepherd of Christ:
Do you promise to live with moral integrity in obedience to Christ to the best of your ability, in humble reliance on the Holy Spirit, with a continual attitude of repentance, and to seek accountability, counsel, and restoration from your fellow-elders as necessary and appropriate in your Christian life?
Do you promise to be involved in the teaching and discipleship ministries of this congregation according to your ability, opportunity, and giftedness, recognizing the solemn responsibility of teaching God’s word and the greater accountability you have in the exercise of it?
Do you promise to be involved in visiting and ministering to the members of this congregation according to your ability and opportunity, being especially attentive to those with urgent spiritual and physical needs?
Do you promise to support, participate in, and abide by the discipline of this congregation when and where necessary, in consultation, prayer, and agreement with the rest of the elders, including counseling, rebuking, correcting, and even excommunicating the impenitent and disobedient?
Do you agree to the Church’s General Statement of Faith and to disclose exceptions to it to the rest of the elders if and when your personal convictions change?
RBC Membership Covenant
Sermon: What Is The Local Church Membership?
To be verbally affirmed by the head of the household, husband and wife, or entire family when received into membership and annually with the entire congregation
Do you acknowledge yourselves to be sinners in the sight of God, justly deserving His displeasure, and without hope except for the sovereign mercy of God bestowed upon all who believe in Christ?
Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God and only Savior of sinners, and do you receive and rest upon Him alone for salvation as He is offered in the Gospel?
Do you resolve and promise, in humble reliance upon the grace of the Holy Spirit, that you will endeavor to live as becomes the followers of Christ, pursuing holiness with a continual attitude of repentance, and to seek accountability, counsel, and restoration from the elders as necessary and appropriate in your Christian life?
Do you promise to support the church in its worship and work to the best of your ability, by the sharing of your time, talents, and financial offerings, by your regular presence in the corporate gatherings, and by continual prayer?
Do you submit yourselves to the leadership and discipline of this church, agree to its General Statement of Faith, and promise to work for its purity and peace?
RBC Trustee Covenant
To be affirmed verbally and in writing by each trustee when appointed to the office and annually in the presence of the entire congregation
As a disciple of Christ and trustee of this Church:
Do you promise to live with moral integrity in obedience to Christ to the best of your ability, in humble reliance on the Holy Spirit, with a continual attitude of repentance, and to seek accountability, counsel, and restoration from the elders as necessary and appropriate in your Christian life?
Do you promise to execute your responsibilities under the elders’ oversight and at their direction, with integrity and seriousness, as a servant of God, and to faithfully perform your legal and delegated responsibilities on behalf of this congregation for its general welfare and continued operation?
Do you agree to the Church’s General Statement of Faith and to disclose exceptions to it to the rest of the elders if and when your personal convictions change?
RBC Diaconate Covenant
To be affirmed verbally and in writing by each deacon when appointed to the office and annually in the presence of the entire congregation
As a disciple of Christ and deacon in this Church:
Do you promise to live with moral integrity in obedience to Christ to the best of your ability, in humble reliance on the Holy Spirit, with a continual attitude of repentance, and to seek accountability, counsel, and restoration from the elders as necessary and appropriate in your Christian life?
Do you promise to execute your responsibilities under the elders’ oversight and at their direction, with integrity and seriousness, as a servant of God, and to faithfully perform your assigned responsibilities on behalf of this congregation for its general welfare and continued growth in grace?
Do you agree to the Church’s General Statement of Faith and to disclose exceptions to it to the rest of the elders if and when your personal convictions change?